What is The Sacred Wave Laboratory?

The sacred wave is a sacred thought and intention experiment container. 

In this virtual container we invite you to participate in two sacred experiments. First, a personal experiment, a daily meditation practice. Your practice becomes a sort of constant or control, and you are the experiment. The inquiry is, “How will a daily practice impact my mood, thoughts, eating habits, relationships, physical body etc.” We look forward to hearing your hypothesis. 

”Several studies have shown that the constant practice of meditation induces neuroplasticity phenomena, including the reduction of age-related brain degeneration and the improvement of cognitive functions. More specifically, the effects of meditation are correlated to improvements in attention, working memory, spatial abilities, and long-term memory.”

- National Library of Medicine

The second experiment is a group intention experiment. Each Sunday we will meet virtually as a group. We will join our intentions, hearts, voices, and our spiritual wealth and meditate as a collective. We will each share from our experience and wisdom and create a collective wisdom school where we are each the student and teacher . This experiment is  intended for us to explore what is possible when we collectively direct the power of our thoughts and loving nature the same intention.

“When individuals in a group focus their intention together on a single target, a powerful collective dynamic emerges that can heal longstanding conditions, mend fractured relationships, lower violence and even rekindle life purpose. But the greatest untold truth of all is that group intention has a mirror effect, not only affecting the recipient but also reflecting back on the senders.”

- Lynne McTaggart

This experiment  was created with inspiration from The Power of Eight by Lynne Mc Taggart, Kundalini Meditation Technology and its benefits, the 7 Universal Laws and our own experience of meditation and our thought and feeling nature. 

We Begin Sunday, January 7th
8am PST 11am EST

Investment $444
$333 When you sign up with a friend

About the Container


The experiment begins with a one on one call with Suri to share more details and to answer any questions. You will also receive some kick off informational videos to watch and prepare.


For 8 consecutive Sundays we will meet for the LAB. The details of which are explained in your one on one call. Every day for the 9 weeks, the duration of the experiment, you will enjoy an 11 minute Ra Ma Da Sa meditation. Your dedication is vital to the group process, but more importantly, to your well being and awareness.


On the 9th week we will have an official closing ceremony via Zoom and a one on one call with Allison or Suri to hear your scientific conclusions.

Daily Practice.
Ra Ma Da Sa Meditation

We Begin Sunday, January 7th
8am PST 11am EST

Investment $444
$333 When you sign up with a friend

WhatsApp: We will use this app to share educational information about other wonderful things. We will also use this app to schedule one on ones track our daily meditation process. After your daily meditation, you will post an emoji or gif in the chat to indicate that you have completed your meditation for the day. In the event that you forget, your lab facilitators will check in on you.

Zoom: We will utilize zoom for one on one sessions and group calls.

Platforms and Communication