Deep Delicious Darkness
I perceive a pattern that inclines towards embracing the light in times of need. When faced with a crisis, we call upon the light. In moments of loss, we seek solace in the light. During significant life transitions filled with uncertainty, we look ahead towards the guiding light.
However, I propose a shift in perspective, a daring switch of codes, a bold embrace of an alternative force. "Deep delicious dark to that!" for those profound, transformative junctures in life. I believe there exists a balance between the forces of darkness and light, each with its own time and place. By embracing the concept of "deep dark" in such instances, we can learn to engage with the darker forces in a more open and playful manner.
When I speak of the dark force, envision yourself as a seed. Initially shrouded in the deep darkness within the unopened fruit, you catch a glimpse of light as circumstances change – be it through decay, the intervention of a bird, or the nurturing hands of a human. To truly unlock your potential, you must be immersed in the deep, nurturing darkness of the Eath. Only then can you begin to fathom the possibilities of what you could becoome. Through the profound darkness, you will eventually break through layers of confinement and emerge into a new light, transformed by the experience.
So when you’re weary,
Feeling Small,
When tears are in your eyes,
I will pray for deep delicious darkness to hold you.